Cambridge English Exam Preparation Courses

Gain English proficiency with an integrated approach wherein all four skills are taught simultaneously – reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Step-by-step progression in academic English.
All our courses are linked to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and aim to improve English using a structured, approach.
All our courses provide rigorous exam preparation through top tips and exposure to exam questions giving students optimal opportunities to study abroad.
A focus on Grammar to develop academic English. Every level of the course targets a range of grammatical structures which enable students to speak and write English with confidence.
Learn vocabulary through engaging contexts. Master an impressive range of academic words from the AWL (Academic Word List) to widen your repertoire of language.

A: All our course levels are linked to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) detailed in the chart below

Q: "What are the different levels and what do they mean?"

Understand these global language levels better by clicking PLAY and watching this video

"Support your child...

...in their educational journey...
... by understanding how
essential it is ...

..to learn English using a structured, step-by-step approach.

Find out more about these steps below."

The Pre-Starters class is targeted at Very Young Learners and has been designed to make learning fun and interactive for children aged 4 to 5. This programme helps children to develop English language skills at an early age and provides an attractive platform for them to learn while enjoying stories, singing and engaging in a myriad of age-appropriate activities. This course also prepares students for the ‘Starters’ level.

The A1 ‘Starters’ level is suitable for students typically aged 5 to 7 and offers a fun and interactive way of learning English at level 1. This course will enable your child to communicate naturally in English and improve in their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in engaging contexts. Students will be ready to take the ‘Starters’ exam at the end of this course and have a solid foundation to start studying at ‘movers’ level.

The A1 ‘Movers’ level is suitable for students typically aged 7 to 9 years and offers a fun and interactive way of learning English. This course will enable your child to communicate naturally in English and improve in their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in engaging contexts. Students will be trained to improve in their reading comprehension skills and will be taught a range of grammatical structures which will enable them to use English with control. Students will be ready to take the ‘Movers’ exam at the end of this course and have a solid foundation to start studying at ‘Flyers’ level.

Preliminary (PET) is a language qualification at CEF level B1. It assesses candidates’ language skills at lower-intermediate level. Through our PET courses students begin to use English in a very free and natural way, and we aim to provide great increases in confidence and fluency for all our students. The class will cover a wide range of language skills, grammar and vocabulary at lower intermediate level. Succeeding at PET level is proof of being able to cope with mainly academic English and prepares you to progress into the highly-challenging B2 FCE course.

The challenging FCE course is targeted at level B2 on the CEFR scale, which is upper intermediate level. Achieving a certificate at this level proves that a student has become competent in all four skill areas and can use and control language in a near-native speaking style. The FCE certificate is accepted by a number of prestigious universities worldwide and proves that students now have the skills to live and work independently in an English-speaking country or study courses taught in English.

The Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English is an exam that tests English at an Advanced level. This course is targeted at level C1-the second highest level on the CEF scale. Achieving a certificate at this level proves that a student has reached a ‘native speaker level’ of English and will be able to follow an academic course at university level. Your CAE certificate is recognised by more than 13,500 universities and employers throughout the world.

The A2 ‘Flyers’ level is the third level of the YLE (Young Learners’ English) programme. This highly-structured course introduces students to the complexity of both written and spoken English. A wide range of grammatical topics have been integrated with the Flyers topics to enable students to write with control and accuracy. Children will have a solid foundation of English once they complete this level and will be ready to embark on their journeys of learning academic English at secondary school level.

Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools is an international qualification in English for teenagers, which recognises the ability to deal with everyday written and spoken English at a basic level. It is a language qualification at CEFR level A2. The KET exam tests all four English language skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking. It gives students the confidence to go on and study for higher-level exams such as B1 Preliminary and B2 First.